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MYCOM OSI reveals Experience Assurance and Analytics blueprint for managing Digital Service Experience

A pre-integrated, collaborative, customer-centric platform to meet the scale and speed of a digital services provider operating NFV and Cloud networks

Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, Spain – 22nd February 2016 MYCOM OSI, the leading independent provider of Assurance, Automation and Analytics solutions to the world’s largest Communications Service Providers (CSPs), today announced a new solution blueprint – Experience Assurance and Analytics (EAA) – for CSPs to manage digital services in highly automated virtualized network environments, and especially the digital experience of its corporate customers and Internet of Things (IoT) partners. At the heart of EAA is MYCOM OSI ProAssure™, a Next Generation proactive digital service quality management product, also announced today.

MYCOM OSI’s EAA combines customer, service, network and device behavior in to an end-to-end, real-time collaborative view for operations, planning, marketing and care teams. Based on its Assurance, Automation and Analytics OSS portfolio of pre-integrated products, the MYCOM OSI EAA blueprint enables CSPs to operate customer-centric virtualized networks and act as a digital service provider and IoT enabler.

“As Communications Service Providers transition to Digital Service Providers with big data analytics, cloud technologies, heterogeneous HSPA/LTE/WiFi/5G Access and ultra-fast and agile service delivery capabilities they must recognize that their operational environment can no longer be most efficiently managed through human efforts alone,” commented Mounir Ladki, President and CTO of MYCOM OSI. “The scale, speed and complexity are so great that their operational platform must be highly automated, must be elastic with petabyte scale, must be analytics driven and must have mission-critical robustness. MYCOM OSI’s Experience Assurance and Analytics is designed to pre-integrate the OSS, orchestration and analytics pieces into an innovative architecture that allows Service Providers to maintain control, efficiency and agility as they compete in the new world of digital services and Internet of Things.”

Several key network operator challenges are addressed with MYCOM OSI’s EAA including managing the Customer Experience, evolving to Network Virtualization (NFV) and exploiting the Digital/IoT opportunity. EAA utilizes MYCOM OSI’s deep telecom network expertise to collapse traditional OSS boundaries and bridge assurance, fulfilment, orchestration and IoT network management, enabling use cases such as:

  • Network-driven Customer Experience Management: EAA’s proactive and predictive capabilities assure speedy action and efficient care. By identifying video/OTT/smart device usage in capacity-strapped networks, EAA helps CSPs to optimize the use of high bandwidth consuming applications, while releasing capacity for high revenue locations, services and customers. By anticipating capacity usage and preventing bottlenecks through predictive analytics, EAA assures a high level of service performance and customer experience.
  • QoE-driven Orchestration of Hybrid Networks: As CSPs transition to virtualized networks, EAA ensures that not only is the NFV environment assured but end-to-end network Quality of Experience and Quality of Service is maintained by collecting data from across the entire network (physical and virtual), automating cross-domain analysis and polices and issuing preventive and corrective recommendations to the NFV Orchestrator and physical networks, with the process being continually fine-tuned via closed loop automation.
  • Analytics-driven digital/IoT Service Management: EAA’s proactive digital service analytics help network operations teams to maintain QoS of digital as well as IoT services. It enables E2E assurance by correlating IoT device/service data with underlying network resources. It helps to prioritize and drive new digital revenue streams and its domain-specific analytics enable IoT managed services.

Core to MYCOM OSI’s EAA and product portfolio is its high performance and elastic scalability, network equipment independence and its support for multiple network domains, multiple technologies and multiple vendors across Converged (Fixed/IP/Mobile) networks.

Other products within MYCOM OSI’s Experience Assurance and Analytics include:

  • MYCOM OSI ProInsight™ network analytics solution that dynamically bridges to and integrates business Big Data into network processes to deliver customer-centric network planning and operations
  • MYCOM OSI ProActor™ programmable open- or closed-loop policy control and automation solution that can execute very complex business policies in areas such as Customer Experience Management, network planning and design, or network operation and optimization
  • MYCOM OSI PrOptima™ converged (Fixed/IP/Mobile) Service and Network Performance Management solution with out-of-the-box support for multiple technologies, domains, and equipment vendors across access, backhaul, core, and service networks
  • MYCOM OSI NetExpert™, a proactive fault management system that alerts and rectifies faults and outages, much before their impact reaches the customer
  • MYCOM OSI ProAssure™, a proactive digital service quality management platform that monitors native, OTT and IoT digital services in near real-time, identifies service performance degradations and provides root cause analysis to deliver a collaborative, unified view of service performance across technical, services and customer care teams