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MYCOM OSI joins UK’s Leading 5G Initiative

MYCOM OSI will provide leading Service Assurance software and expertise to University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre

Mobile World Congress 2015, Barcelona – 4th March 2015 – MYCOM OSI, the leading independent provider of best-in-class service assurance solutions to the world’s largest Communications Service Providers (CSPs), today announced that it has joined the leading UK research initiative on 5G, the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC). The partnership will include MYCOM OSI providing its suite of service assurance solutions as well as insights from working with leading operators including 8 out of the top 10 CSPs globally.

MYCOM OSI will provide expertise around managing and optimizing network and service performance and quality which are critical success factors for 5G. It will also consider pragmatic best practices for rolling out 5G within the context of existing network technologies like 3G, 4G, HetNet and virtualized networks such as NFV, SDN, C-RAN. The company will also provide its Service Assurance suite to the innovation centre, including Performance Management, Fault Management, Service Management, Network Analytics and Intelligent Automation.

Together with the University of Surrey and a consortium of industry partners including BT, EE, Telefonica and Vodafone, they will conduct research into the development of advanced technologies for a 5G network of the future, to establish a world-leading position in mobile broadband communications and internet innovations.

“The 5G charter is about providing huge bandwidth, low latency and always-on reliability to feed not only the subscriber traffic explosion but also massive amounts of new M2M and IoT applications,” said Payam Taaghol, CEO of MYCOM OSI.  “Service assurance will have a critical part to play because it has the job of managing the network to deliver quality, performance and availability. MYCOM OSI has always invested ahead of time in upcoming technologies so we are very pleased to be able to join the University of Surrey’s 5GIC initiative.”

“We welcome MYCOM OSI to the 5GIC and thank them for their contribution that goes a long way towards completion of our 5G ecosystem partners. The ability to be able to monitor the network and the services on an end-to-end basis is critical for evaluation and development of innovative 5G technologies,” added Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Head of 5GIC.  “MYCOM OSI’s solution will help us with implementation and  real-time visualization of performance of our innovative network/signaling architectures and its optimization for many critical KPIs such as low latency, high resilience and reliability, energy efficiency, Quality of Experience and Service and many more parameters.  It is invaluable to have a company of MYCOM OSIs stature and telecom network experience as a partner in the 5GIC. ”