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Momentum continues but focus will shift: MYCOM OSI reveal 2016 industry predictions

LONDON, UK – 14th January 2016 – MYCOM OSI, the leading independent provider Next Generation Service Assurance, Automation/Orchestration, and Analytics solutions to the world’s largest Communications Service Providers (CSPs), today revealed its industry predictions and expectations for the year ahead.

“If 2015 was a year dominated by buzzwords, 2016 will be the year when the talking stops and the industry focuses on the real world experience,” said Sandeep Raina, Product Marketing Director, MYCOM OSI.  “From customer experience management to 5G testing, and from IoT to the virtualization of the telecoms network functions, there is no slowing in the pace of innovation.  However, we are now at the point where these have to be placed into the context of the customer experience and through the use of data analytics begin to understand the impact they are having on service usage and consumer habits.”

MYCOM OSI’s predictions for the year ahead include:

Customer Experience Management

From system integration to pre-integrated CEM, 2016 is the year that customer demand for high speed, quality service will ignite a growing demand for CSPs’ choosing pre-packaged solutions supplied by one vendor. As a result of this increased efficiency, operators will have to manage escalating customer expectations as they begin to expect services to be delivered in near real-time.

As part of this pre-integrated system, operators will increasingly have the ability to deliver personalised services to customers based on customer centric insight gained from analytics. For example operators will introduce gradations of services according to customer needs so that resources are allocated for high quality service to meet customer expectations. Personalisation and visibility of service quality delivered to enterprise customers will be on the increase.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things will continue to see dramatic growth throughout 2016, driven by consumer uptake of IoT applications, but it is also the year when the hype will end.

The industry at large will start to focus on the true value of IoT and place more emphasis on the real world use cases and the benefits showcased through recent success stories such as Hive heating systems, connected cars and connected homes. With this, the quality of service will become vital as more questions will be raised around who is held accountable for the security and reliability of IoT applications.


Momentum behind virtualization in 2016 will be pushed by operators’ desire to understand customer needs through analytics. This insight will provide increased opportunities for operators to deliver new services in a targeted way. So much so that we will see an increase in non-technical business functions taking an interest in network virtualization for rapid response in order to monetise customer situations and circumstances.

We will see pockets of roll-outs in 2016 pertaining to areas where services dependent on event, location and customer segment need to be delivered. These roll-outs will be service driven as opposed to capex saving.


2016 will focus on accelerating the specification standardization of 5G, testing and maturing the technologies to deliver on the promise of low latency and very high speeds. This will involve 5G customer profiling, radio capacity demos, trials and POCs by integrating into real ultra-dense environments, outside of the lab rather than actual commercial use.