Statement of Business Ethics
Mycom is committed to conducting business in a safe, sustainable and equitable manner, consistent with all relevant UK and international laws, regulations, codes and standards.
In this statement we set out ethical principles by which we abide in all our dealings. This includes internal and external dealings with our colleagues, customers, contractors, suppliers, the environment and the communities in which we live and work.
Mycom is proud that it conducts business to the highest ethical standards. Mycom makes no exceptions to this. Mycom takes this approach not just because it is Mycom’s policy to comply with the law in all Mycom’s operations and in all the places where Mycom conducts business, but because Mycom believes that this is the right way to conduct business.
Mycom’s fundamental values (and those expected of its employees) are integrity, transparency and accountability.
We value and are committed to forging strong, long term and collaborative relationships with all people and organisations we do business with, including our third-party suppliers (collectively referred to in this document as our business partners).
We expect our business partners to also abide by the principles outlined in this document, and to ensure their own business partners do so as well.
People, inclusion, health and safety
We support responsible labour practices that contribute to the development of fair, safe, supportive and inclusive workplaces. Human rights (such as those set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), must be protected, and we are dedicated to the active identification and management of human rights issues.
We believe that everyone benefits from the creation of inclusive and diverse workplaces, free from bullying, harassment or any discrimination prohibited by law – including discrimination on the basis of gender identity, age, religion, disability, ethnicity, cultural affiliation or sexual orientation.
All people are entitled to fair and appropriate pay, benefits and working conditions. We and our business partners must comply with Workplace Gender Equality legislation and have appropriate and supportive processes and policies in place.
In no circumstances will we engage in or facilitate any form of child labour, or forced or involuntary labour. We strictly comply with our obligations under applicable Modern Slavery legislation and our public statement on Modern Slavery can be found at
We are also committed to maintaining healthy and safe work environments in all of our places of work, and complying with all relevant health and safety laws.
Environmental sustainability
We recognise the importance of environmental sustainability and its critical connection to our people, clients and the communities in which we live and work.
As a software business we have a small environmental footprint. We track and seek to reduce that footprint across our operations and locations and strictly comply with all applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.
Confidentiality and privacy
We understand the critical importance of maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of information with which we are entrusted, and strictly comply with our legal obligations in this regard. Our privacy policy can be found at
Information security
We take data and Information security very seriously. We are ISO 27001 certified. As such our data and Information Security practices are aligned to best practice standards and frameworks.
Anti-fraud, corruption and bribery
We are fundamentally opposed to all forms of fraud, corruption, and unethical financing or facilitation, including bribery, tax evasion, extortion, and corruption.
We are dedicated to compliance with applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws including the UK Bribery Act 2010, the Criminal Finances Act 2017 and the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023.
We will never give or receive (directly or through an intermediary) any gift, bribe or other form of inducement, in order to facilitate any improper or illegal preferred treatment or advantage (in our favour, or in favour of someone else) in breach of any applicable laws, or policies of our clients.
International trade controls and sanctions
We comply with international sanctions, including those imposing import and export controls.
We will not do business with individuals or entities that are subject to international trade sanctions or financial restrictions implemented by nations and international organisations such as the European Union and the United Nations.
Anti-money laundering
We are committed to compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws.
Proactive risk management
We have a robust and proactive risk management framework. We understand that the sooner any potential risks or breaches are identified and notified, the better the potential solution or impact for all concerned. We have a whistle-blower policy in place to protect people who raise concerns in good faith.
We expect our business partners to also proactively manage and mitigate the risks set out in this document. This includes notifying us as soon as possible of any risks or breaches of the principles and obligations in this document, and cooperating with any Mycom compliance audits or investigations.