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Assuring your fixed broadband (FTTx) and 5G/enterprise services for a rewarding customer experience.

Assuring your fixed broadband (FTTx) and 5G/enterprise services for a rewarding customer experience through Service Quality Management.

Anticipate service problems

If you worry about guaranteeing high service performance and monitoring SLAs for your mobile and fixed networks, you can protect your SLAs by anticipating service problems. More so in fixed broadband (FTTx), 5G, private mobile and enterprise networks. As a CSP you want to launch new digital services that can be monetized.

You need a tool that captures SLA clauses and calculates SLA breaches, round the clock. By proactively identifying problems with enterprise services and SLAs, and by analyzing service and customer impacts, you would channel your SOC activities for proactive remediation.

Protect your services and SLAs

Mycom’s Service Experience Assurance drives your SOC priorities to focus on service-impacting problems and automates root cause analysis. It covers multiple network domains, from physical to virtual to cloud, and scales to deal with billions of service events per minute.

It offers real-time service impact analysis and notification of impact on service quality and customer experience. This combined with automation of workflows for auto-ticketing and instant remediation, enhances identification and prevention of Service Level Agreement breaches.

By segmenting service problems by location, groups of users and devices you can focus on resolving the most critical service problems.


Case study: Experience Assurance and NOC/SOC Automation

5G Service Experience Assurance demo

MYCOM OSI mini podcast ‘5G Standalone Assurance Solution for traffic and capacity analysis’

Case study: Experience Assurance and NOC/SOC Automation
5G Service Experience Assurance demo
MYCOM OSI mini podcast ‘5G Standalone Assurance Solution for traffic and capacity analysis’


Case Study

Case Study | African CSP- Integrated Service Assurance


Mycom Service Assurance Portfolio Overview


Solution Brief | Service Experience Assurance Solutions

Case Study Case Study | African CSP- Integrated Service Assurance
Brochure Mycom Service Assurance Portfolio Overview
Brief Solution Brief | Service Experience Assurance Solutions