Assuring your fixed broadband (FTTx) and mobile networks.
Networks are growing and services are demanding
As your 4G/5G mobile FTTx networks grow and become more complex, the demands from customers for high reliability and high performance services grow even more. CSPs require to make their networks robust, take proactive actions and predict problems before they impact the customers, in real time.
All this needs to be done at low operational costs, high efficiency and with highly automated operations. Juggling between different performance management and fault management tools, makes the engineers of a CSP lose critical time and efficiency.
You need a seamless, efficient automated manager of the end-to-end performance of your large, complex and virtualized network.

Mycom’s integrated network assurance
Mycom offers a one-stop system to address all the challenges of complex, disaggregated, and distributed 5G and FTTx networks.
From real-time dashboards and reporting to root cause analysis, our application builds a solid foundation for high performance and reliability of your network. By working across multi-vendors in Open RAN, C-RAN, mobile Core, IP transport, and fixed broadband, we help you rapidly resolve your network degradations and faults by correlating data from multiple vendors.
Our performance management application serves the world’s 2nd and 3rd largest mobile networks with 100 billion data records processed in an hour!
Our fault management application is known for its high reliability under the worst traffic and environmental fault conditions. Using alarm reduction automation, we help CSPs reduce alarms up to 99%. And it scales well; for a 125 million subscriber network, 15 million network elements are monitored, covering natural disasters when alarms increase to 4 times!